Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why would someone move to a new place?

Fifth graders pondered this question this afternoon as we began thinking about Colonial America.  They came up with many reasons why one would move, and we talked about which ones may have pertained to the colonists.
Here are their collective ideas:

Reasons to leave home & move to a new place
Money; Nicer/ bigger house/home; Better job; To be treated better; Marriage; A quieter/ more peaceful place; Nicer surrounding; Forced out of home; Natural disaster; Better schools; Health reasons (diseases); Family- to be w/ family; Nicer climate; Better Land for farming/raising food; Water; Change (i.e. city to country); Death; Government; Fun; Nice people; Freedom; Escape the law; War; Follow a dream… adventure; Religious freedom; Oil drilling; Natural Resources; Education; Environmental reasons.

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